Kathryn Lynch (LA)

The New York Times: Home & Garden: A Couple at Rest

May 29, 2008 - Penelope Green, The New York Times

"Ms. Lynch paints in Mr. Mooreís buildings, on whatever floor is empty, sharing space with the construction workers, who use a corner to have their lunch and smoke their cigarettes. (Itís an amicable arrangement, only once disturbed by an asbestos removal company worker who removed a canvas from its stretcher and tried to make away with it. Ms. Lynch intercepted him downstairs. ìOh,î he said, flummoxed. ìThe place didnít look, uh, private.î) But the construction crew is always supportive, she said, providing kindly criticism and help when she moves, which is, of course, often. Still, moving a studio is harder even than moving with young children, Ms. Lynch said. And she reckons she has moved her studio more times than she has moved her family."

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